The Consummation of The Mark of The Beast

Making Men’s Mind’s Desolate & the Consummation of The Beast to Mankind.  A Smile from a Vail.

Please, if you fear that you have the mark of the beast please know you can still find your own heart, and present it to God The Father by The Way of Jesus His Son.  Salvation 101
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
The preacher who quoted this verse 9:27 in Daniel changed the meaning of consummation to “consume”.  As most Christians have to do, they change the English language definitions themselves to fit the twisted bibles to make some semblance of logical sense.
Not all of the wolf’s new scriptures are lies.

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Break the Yoke. Letting Go of those Who Cannot See Signs & Wonders

This May help if you have Loved ones who do not see and are not saved that you know of.

This is how I process emotionally and let things go.  By writing my heart and sharing my fears then asking God to remove my fear.

There are those who Jesus said would come who honor Him with their words but their heart is far from Him.  We may have thought we were equally yoked but we are finding out their are very few people like us who see what we see.

Unbelieving Loved Ones

I have struggled with my unbelieving husband not in argument but rather I have shared over and over supernatural bible changes with him, atrocious changes and end times signs and wonders in hopes he would wake up and see that something very huge is happening.  The dividing of time has happened.  The dividing of the goats and the sheep is at hand.  The signs in the sky have occurred.  The beast is in control of the food supply.

Continue reading “Break the Yoke. Letting Go of those Who Cannot See Signs & Wonders”