What Will Jesus’ Return Look Like?


The Intercessors have announced Jesus’ coming for nearly seven years on end repetitiously.  Like no other prayer they were ever given in higher language.  The trumpet of God are the Watchmen and the Spirit Intercessors of God.

They feel now today 11-22-2023 that FINALLY their repetitious prayer is done.  Finished, fulfilled, the announcement is over.  Because it’s less than six months time to His coming.  The fulfillment of the promise is finally coming true bold and bright in real time for those who Love Him.  And some have found the Holy Grail.

Betrayed by the Towers of Babel and Christian Church People

The word “Nineveh” or “Ninivah” or “Ninavah” from book of Jonah has turned into “Nineve” which is pronounced nin-eve.  The eve of nin (short i) whatever that is.  The many end of days Watchmen on Youtube and social media are the sign of Jonah that our ancestors looked for but did not understand except that he was swallowed by a whale.  And was in the belly of the whale three days.  And that sounds terrifying to me.

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The Dark Lord & Strong Delusion. Deceived Watchmen.


The Dark Lord is here.  He has rewritten all Bibles.  And He is God’s anointed to end the rule of the Eagle.  The serpent.  The Beast.

The Dark Lord’s appetite is for two things, death and blood.  Here is his proclamation of blood and death.

Ezekiel 39:17
“And as for you, son of man, this is what the Lord GOD says: Call out to every kind of bird and to every beast of the field: ‘Assemble and come together from all around to the sacrificial feast that I am preparing for you, a great feast on the mountains of Israel. There you will eat flesh and drink blood.”

Yum yum!  What a treat.  Who is it exactly that the Dark one is calling to eat flesh.

I have found that not only are the bibles the greatest Truth on Earth but now they are also the most desecrated & misleading books on Earth.

Continue reading “The Dark Lord & Strong Delusion. Deceived Watchmen.”

The Split of The Churches

My Spirit Lead Interpretations of Previous Bible Scriptures …

The Scribe of God writes a Letter to the Churches.

And especially prophecy are not in alignment with any preachers doctrine.  You will not find these interpretations which I write about on Christian websites. Or on prophecy websites.  The Scribe of God is called a heretic or Satan by Christians.  All my interpretations are exactly this “private interpretations” independent of religion.

Won’t be long now.  2024 is coming!  Those with The Holy Spirit will likely be raptured around April 2024.  But that doesn’t mean people will know it happened.  The end of days pattern now shows us that much is hidden from the Christians.  We doubt they will ever see the rapture of the chosen few.

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We Can’t Help Those Deceived They Must Choose Truth for Themselves

Most People reading bibles are Under Influence of The Tower of Babble. As the babble effect scours the English language trashing its articulate design for communication of mankind. KJVB dialect etymology is reduced to a language called “middle english”. At the same time according to Youtube few have retained their ability to speak proper English in tandem with the supernatural bible changes.

“And the mortal shall put on immortality, the corrupt becomes incorruptible.”

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How to be an Overcomer & Know God Better

The Armor of God Requires TRUTH and alot of it

First of All friends we do not die for Jesus sake.  That’s inverted.  Jesus came for two great reasons.  1. To bring God’s Holy promises to us…His words.  2. To take the keys to death and Hell by overcoming death we too overcome death.  And we hold the keys to death and Hell as well.  Because we are in Him.  To be in Jesus is to know Him.

Sidenote bible blasphemy:  We know that baptism didn't exist until John the Baptist & Jesus in N.t.  We know (hopefully) being baptized is into new life more abundantly in Jesus.  Born again of Spirit.  Now in Old Test. they are being baptized into Moses no less.  Bible changes la-supernatural!

The Inverted Gospel

Matthew 16:24-25
“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”  Pish posh!

“For my sake”? Jesus doesn’t need us to be murdered for His sake.  What would He get out of that anyway.  Martyrdom spiritually benefits those who stand for righteousness unto death.  Does it strengthen the kingdom of God?  Perhaps in some way.  But Jesus is already saved, delivered, healed, and transformed.   For us to die for Him is an inverted gospel.  He came so we would overcome death and hell & so we too could hear God’s words and put them into practice in our lives.  Plus the prophecies Jesus brought us now fulfilled, show the children of God what season we are in.  And help the children understand who they are.  And what He meant by the double (x2) meaning prophecies.

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Evils Vest of Lies New Words in the Bibles

Evil’s Armor

Well they say evil has a counterfeit of all things good and True.  Here is evil’s armor of darkness.

As opposed to the belt of Truth the book changed from

Believeth” turned into “believest

“Believest” Decoded—  Be-Lie-Vest or Vest of Lies.

Now is the time to embrace Truth as much as you can with God’s help.  We are programmed to seek protection by lying.  Now we know it’s vital to keep our belt of Truth secure. And the rest of the armor of God.

“abides in me” changed to “dwelleth”.   To dwell on something is negative and akin to depression. For example-  “He dwelled on the loss of His money”.

The Covenant with Many Demons.

Why can’t Christians see the supernatural bible changes that we see?

“A greedy and adulterous generation seeks after a sign but no sign will be given, save the sign of the prophet Watchman Jonah.”  Just as Jonah was a watchman to Nineveh so too the watchman on the wall on Youtube proclaim the coming days of God’s wrath and end of days at hand to the people.  Yet these watchmen are not privy to the miraculous signs and wonders of prophecy that the chosen few can see happening in real time.  See Jazweeh A-Z Prophecy article for more on that.

What Lie?

Most people walk in self delusion never finding out who they are deep within their heart of hearts.  It the human failsafe when threats arise.  The lie is the #1 defense of the American people.  Of course they likely are unaware of it.  Its the programming.  In many ways it’s not their faults that they prefer deception over Truth.  The beast has done its job very well.  It takes seeking God with one’s whole heart mind and soul to break free of the Beast system self deception.

What accompanies the mark of the beast once a man has chosen his allegiance is the Locust from the pit.  The covenant with many, come to find out was a pact made between powerful ruling class men/woman & Demonic ruling class demons.  On right Mark of the beast consummates with men’s faces & the forehead mark.  On left the Locust.  Though it has no legs.  Its a shadowy invisible parasitic creature that lurks in the abyss.  Prior to the agreement with Hell that men made these creatures had to be invited into a man.  A spiritual door had to be opened, before the covenant with many.

Continue reading “The Covenant with Many Demons.”

Jesus Was Pissed At the Money Changers

Jesus said “be angry and sin not”.  He Turned Over Their Tables of Greed. 

We Who See the abomination of desolation of God’s holy words are Living This Story.  While the Christians quote and side with Twisted New Scripture.  Scripture that is Supernaturally Destroying All Holy Bibles.  Those who quote aloud hateful new scripture & curses trample asunder the holy place.

Jesus turns over the money changers table in the temple. | Religious images, Art, Jesus

And Let’s face it The KJV Bibles were never perfect at least, not in my lifetime.   But now be careful not to read aloud the many hateful curses in the defiled books.

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Rapture. Super Natural KJVB Changes. & Jesus’ Return

What is The Image of The Beast that Men Obey and Serve?

Preachers of Today Get All their Prophecy & End times Info off the Image of the Beast.  I find that ironic at best.  Of course Christians cannot say that the TV & cellphones ARE the image of the beast.  Why?  Because then they would have to let go of their comforter….

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Passive Insults toward God by “Crieth, Cry, Cries” Multiplied in KJV

What is WRONG With These Scripts KJVB? Supernatural deceptive signs and wonders abound by Bible Changes Covered Up by the Strong Delusion.

Words – “Crying, criest, cry, cried” Are multiplied in the KJV bibles. Creating insults to God and man by lying scripture that alleges the prophets and God and angels are whiners.  English is still English in spite of the illiterate

occurs 199 times in 195 verses in the KJV.
occurs 181 times in 168 verses in the KJV.
“CRIETH” the new term is found 17 times in KJV.   When a new word pops up in KJV we know the scriptures associated with it will be TWISTED and corrupt.  For instance lets look at the first of the ‘CRIETH‘ scripts-

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Iron Does Not Sharpen Iron. Don’t Be a Parrot

Jesus Is the Truth and The Way to God.  “It Is Impossible for God to Lie”

The Belt of Truth is vital as armor of God.

There used to be much wisdom and Truth in the KJVB-that is fading away.  Amos 8:11 &12.  No, most Christians can neither remember what the books used to read nor can they recognize the new blasphemy & lies in all bibles.

In this age Truth is not a priority for most people.

Why don’t they see & understand what a lie is?   We surmise that the strong delusion has their ass eyes & mind.

So just who is supernaturally re-writing ALL the bibles. (“all” means all by the way). Why, the author of confusion of course.  The wolf, the serpent, the father of lies.  Deceptive signs and wonders-prophecy.

However, as usual the Christians will explain away another lie by saying basically that “the scripture does not say what it actually means”.  Just like every other lie now in the books.  They not only prefer the lies and fables but they also will defend them.

To the Christian, their bible is above reproach as deity.  They uphold & glorify it as an idol.  They not only call it by God’s name “The Word of God”.  But also the book itself calls itself God.

End of days prophecy.  The desecration of the holy place.  The abomination.  The strong delusion.

How to Sharpen a Knife

Sharpening is done by grinding away material on the tool with another abrasive substance harder than the tool itself…when one thing sharpens another, the substance on the sharpening surface must be harder than the material being sharpened, such as two different alloys of iron.”



I must admit brothers, sisters, fellow New Earth coming children and 1/2 blind sheep and even goats…Greetings from Florida by Laura of Akron The Scribe of God extraordinaire.  I say greetings with an intolerant smile.

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The Biblical Deceptions Will Try to Take Your Soul to Hell If You Believe It

The Author of Confusion, The Wolf Controls the Bibles by Magic

The word “seed” now used inappropriately doctrinally profuse error.

Also the book of 1st John is pretty much all guilt trip mind control that contradict the good news of the gospel of peach that God has put in our hearts as the bibles fade to lies and I will prove it here.  The wolf controls all bibles.

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Break the Yoke. Letting Go of those Who Cannot See Signs & Wonders

This May help if you have Loved ones who do not see and are not saved that you know of.

This is how I process emotionally and let things go.  By writing my heart and sharing my fears then asking God to remove my fear.

There are those who Jesus said would come who honor Him with their words but their heart is far from Him.  We may have thought we were equally yoked but we are finding out their are very few people like us who see what we see.

Unbelieving Loved Ones

I have struggled with my unbelieving husband not in argument but rather I have shared over and over supernatural bible changes with him, atrocious changes and end times signs and wonders in hopes he would wake up and see that something very huge is happening.  The dividing of time has happened.  The dividing of the goats and the sheep is at hand.  The signs in the sky have occurred.  The beast is in control of the food supply.

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The Beast System’s Demoralization of God’s Children

A Billion Ways to Teach YOU that You’re BAD & WRONG so you can then be programmed as a goodly parrot.

Good Luck finding many real people left on YouTube.  Many who are real are in grave error.  There are a few left I think who are real and preaching Truth.   Is “goodly” new for you like it is for us?  How about “goodlier” or “goodliest” the new bible terms?

The Programming of the Mind

We in America have been shot down and belittled from every direction from birth onward.  My evidence?  Look at the self destruction of the masses.  Self destruction is self punishment by those whose hearts are broken early on by believing that their heart’s voice is just plain wrong and bad.  And so they punish themselves and become someone else who programming tells them people will like and respect. They become the parrot.

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Your Being Watched by the Elite by Your Own TV

By Shadow Writer Laura/aka Dorothy Ruth Stirrum/aka “Jazweeh” the predictionist.

You will find my articles at these sites. Jazweeh.com/recoveryfarmhouse.net&.com/paradiseforthehellbound.com/abominationdesolation.com/fatherswords.com

I used to work in the dressing rooms of strip clubs selling outfits to dancers.  For many years I drove from club to club in various cities and states.  Now I just sell online.

I remember one time in the 90s I was sitting at Mons Venus owned by Joe Redner in Tampa Florida.  The dressing room has mirrors all around.
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Abomination of Desolation/Desecration

Isaiah 8:13 directions are to Dread God Almighty.

Dread.  To dread is to both fear and loathe something coming that is unwanted and bad.

When I had my first spiritual experience in the Mighty Name of Jesus His Holy Spirit was and still is the absolute best experience I have ever felt or known.  I don’s and will not “dread” God Almighty’s Coming.

The Abomination of Desecration Explained.

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The Two Towers Lord of the Rings (2) Decoded

Lord of the Rings odd parallels with the new Mandela Effected KJVB

The highest form of English, most articulate, poetic, held in its dialect high truths only to be expressed by such an eloquent language as Old English.  The King James Version Bible was written in this high standard of dialect…..NO MORE.  Now its called “middle English” like “middle earth”.

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