God’s Signs & Wonders Vs. Deceptive Signs and Wonders

EYA is a watchmen with a calling. She was given one great Truth pertaining to the end of days as all Watchmen are given who believe in Jesus.
Does she have the Holy Spirit? Idk. But all were given God’s Spirit of Life at birth.

What is the Mandela Effect?

Being a mandela affected Christian IS RARE on youtube. And certainly the churches are full of blind Christians who see nothing.
Being mandela affected means you see changes in reality. Changes to history and changes to word history.  Also many other changes to geography, bodies, earth, words. To see the miraculous harmless works of God are both harmless & wonderful end of days signs and wonders.

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What Will the New Age Bring?




The Glorious new SUN OF GOD will saturate the children of Earth.  His Eternal Glory will shine forth on the New Earth.  Who shall be able to stand?  The puzzle pieces are complete of the New Age and what it entails.

I got the information last night.  I woke up this morning with a deep sadness of the seeds fruit trees, vegetables, land, and water, stolen from the children of Earth by the serpent creed from HELL.

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Words “Demon, Demons” Are No Longer In Any KJVB

Fallen Fallen the Temples Have Fallen to Wickedness & Darkness Within.

Which temples?  Why, the holy places of course…the places that housed God’s sacred words.  And second, the place which housed God’s Divine Presence.  “Same Holy Spirit different purposes”.  The Holy Spirit which is given for gifts is bestowed upon the few, His children.  While the Divine Presence of God was given to all of mankind to abide in their temple, the body.

If you took the chot you may want to stop reading here.

However evil masquerading as good found a way to desecrate both temples.  God allowed the desecration of the body by each man’s free will the many chose to take beast proteins into themselves and become GMO.  They never asked God “how will I know not to take the mark of the beast?”

If they would of asked God about the mark He would have been very clear even with an audible voice.  God spoke to me audibly telling me by miraculous confirmations what the mark is before it was even sent out.  In 2018 I asked Him “how will I know the mark of the beast so I don’t take it?”

In 2018 instantly He said audibly to me “Zebra”.  Zebra…the animal of two colors.  I researched and found Zebra Tech.  They are a company which makes rfid chips and other tech tracking devices.  Later on Zebra got the contracts to dispense the Pie Zar shot across nations.  Zebra made it possible in 2021 to dispense the back scenes to people with their cold pack temperature controlled boxes. They dispensed the dee Anne a rewrites to millions on Earth.

All they had to do is ask God.  He would have made it abundantly clear as He did with me I am sure of it.  Instead they chose to become Chimeras.  That’s what science is calling those who undergo the genome transcriptional changes to their dna.  “Chimeras”.

Mankind became part beast by taking the mark of the beast.  IT’S LITERAL.  Not rocket science.  Ask Astral Zen if they put chimp pro teens in their chot?  Human no more.  Being human no more put these “new creatures” at a grotesque disadvantage.  No only are they under the strong delusion.  But also they won’t repent of it because they sing day in and day out “it’s not the mark!  Its not the mark!”  its very disturbing to watch their eyes sink into their skulls day by day.

Neither will they find the words Demon, & Demons in any other version of bible soon enough.  Of course few people will remember the original verses.  Just like they don’t remember that Jacob CRUSHED the head of the Serpent and bruised His heal.  Jacob meaning Jesus & Israel and all those who have become Israel.  They walk as Jesus walked.  They walk in Spirit, they see into the dark regions of Earth.  And they bind and crush free flying demons.

Voltar the Mighty. Crushes Demons


Great Works of Faith Matter & Should not be Minimized

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Evils Vest of Lies New Words in the Bibles

Evil’s Armor

Well they say evil has a counterfeit of all things good and True.  Here is evil’s armor of darkness.

As opposed to the belt of Truth the book changed from

Believeth” turned into “believest

“Believest” Decoded—  Be-Lie-Vest or Vest of Lies.

Now is the time to embrace Truth as much as you can with God’s help.  We are programmed to seek protection by lying.  Now we know it’s vital to keep our belt of Truth secure. And the rest of the armor of God.

“abides in me” changed to “dwelleth”.   To dwell on something is negative and akin to depression. For example-  “He dwelled on the loss of His money”.

How Did The Bibles Magically Change?



Revealed in this Article.  The Truth of the Tower of Babel.

In the end of days all mysteries shall be revealed unto the chosen few.  Most Christians will have no part in the revelation of Truth.  Why?  They have chosen the lie and prefer it.

What is the real “covenant with the many”?  And What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

I asked my spiritual teacher in the late 80s or early 90s “what is the only unforgivable sin that they call blasphemy of The Holy Spirit?  She said at that time it was impossible to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.  And it was.

Continue reading “How Did The Bibles Magically Change?”

Holy Spirit Inoculation for Corona (Kronos) Virus (Coronavirus)

Corona means crown.


So, this Coronavirus is sponsored by “The Crown”.   And inspired by the disobedient god Kronos.   Your guess is as good as mine just who the crown really are.   DO NOT GO TO HOSPITAL IF YOUR NOT SICK.  Be sure to read the Pine Hot Tea instructions as well it is an important part of your healing from flu or Croney Virus.

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